(646) 517-0600 info@steger-law.com

Since Michael D. Steger started practicing law in 1993, he has sought to help solve his clients’ problems and expand their business opportunities. Whether in business transactions, litigation and other disputes, or counseling behind the scenes, he has focused on providing value to the individuals, companies and other entities that he has served. Mr. Steger founded the firm in 2005.

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Beware of Trademark “Registration” Scams

Trademark owners must be aware of scammers who solicit registrations for fraudulent trademark “registries” that provide now value to their customers. Any legitimate communication from the United States Patent and Trademark Office will be sent to the trademark owner’s attorney of record.

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Michael D. Steger, PC

Since Michael D. Steger started practicing law in 1993, he has sought to help solve his clients’ problems and expand their business opportunities. Whether in business transactions, litigation and other disputes, or counseling behind the scenes, he has focused on providing value to the individuals, companies and other entities that he has served. Mr. Steger founded the firm in 2005.

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