Since Michael D. Steger started practicing law in 1993, he has sought to help solve his clients’ problems and expand their business opportunities. Whether in business transactions, litigation and other disputes, or counseling behind the scenes, he has focused on providing value to the individuals, companies and other entities that he has served. Mr. Steger founded the firm in 2005.
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The Sky Did Not Fall: The Supreme Court Invalidated Online Retransmission of Broadcast Television in American Broadcasting Companies v. Aereo, Inc.
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“Happy Birthday to You” and the Neverending Term of Copyright
Everyone has been to a birthday party, and everyone has sung "Happy Birthday to You." Anyone who has recorded their friends and family singing that song and posted the recording on YouTube has committed copyright infringement. The Warner Music Group claims ownership...
Would You Ask Your Attorney To Prepare Your Tax Returns? Then Why Ask Your Accountant To Set Up Your Company
Do you ask your attorney to file your taxes every year? Do you ask your lawyer to audit your company? †If your answer to either is "no", then why would you ask your accountant to form your business entity. I have been working with a client for about a year, advising...
A New Paradigm: Awards of Attorney Fees Under the Lanham Act Post-Octane Fitness
Any trademark litigator knows that it has historically been difficult to obtain an award of attorney fees in a federal trademark case, no matter how egregious the opposing party actions Section 35(a)(3) of the Lanham Act provides, in part, The Court in exceptional...
Full Recovery: Successful Copyright Plaintiffs Can Recover Fees For Enforcing Judgments
Successful copyright plaintiffs can recover the additional attorney's fees incurred in collecting an infringement judgment according to a federal court in New York. The judgment creditor plaintiff, L.A. Printex Industries, Inc., won a verdict of $40,000 in statutory...